Who is the girl behind the words?

Hello, My name is Samantha aka sjm aka the girl behind the words. I am about to start my second year of college where I will continue my studies in Chemical Enginering and Paper Science Enginering. I am a older sister to a brother. I love animals and have a dog named Zues. Im a libra sun. I love to writte, dance, sing ( im not what you would say good is hahaha), watch movies especially a good Rom-Com and hang out with friends. So now you now a little bit about me. Lets talk about the whats and whys?

Why am I studying to be an engineer? Partialy because I love being a Women in stem and I am doing it for my ancestors who could not, but also because I like a challange and proving to myself that I can do it.

What do I want to do with my degrees? My hope is to start my own makeup company, as well as work in sustainable fashion learning to make garmets out of textiles that are made from trees.

Why do I love Rom-Coms? After a long stressful day watching a rom com is a light joyful activity. That can bring you lafter and typically a happy ending.

What Rom-Com do I absoluty love? there is a lot of answers to this question, I would say How to losse a guy in ten day is a top tier one though.

Why did I start this blog? I started this because even though I work with numbers all day I still love to write and am very creative. I also wanted too create a space in this exspansive universe to hopefully feel heard and make others going through similer exsperinces feel seen, heard and loved weather the exsperince is good or bad. There is also the chance I have watched a little to much sex and the City and am in my Carrie Bradshaw era, but who cares it will be a fun ride for however long it lasts.

What do I hope to gain out of this blog? A community of like minided indviduals and friends from around the world all brought togather by traveling, fashion and life.

So hello! My name is samantha and I am so happy you found me I hope you enjoy your time here and get to escape the real world for even five minutes. I have been told a lot that I am a dreamer, that my heads in the clouds and that I have so many plans. So here I am exstending a hand in friendship and offering you the chance to be a dreamer, because as I have learnd I would much rather be dreamer whos heads in the clouds, is an optomist and will always have a glass half full mindset then not. So to bulding our dream life and being friends.

xoxo Samantha